Local brand, The Shop, SALT teams up with artis...
St. John’s, NL, April 4, 2019 – St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to launch their collaborative spring fashion line, SALTXJESSICAWATERMAN, featuring a series of works by...
Local brand, The Shop, SALT teams up with artis...
St. John’s, NL, April 4, 2019 – St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to launch their collaborative spring fashion line, SALTXJESSICAWATERMAN, featuring a series of works by...
SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN. coming soon. spring 2019.
SALT spring is just around the corner. SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN will be arriving in early april 2019.
SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN. coming soon. spring 2019.
SALT spring is just around the corner. SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN will be arriving in early april 2019.
Local brand, The Shop, SALT to open their first...
St. John’s, NL, November 12, 2018 - St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to open their first brick and mortar store this holiday season in their hometown,...
Local brand, The Shop, SALT to open their first...
St. John’s, NL, November 12, 2018 - St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to open their first brick and mortar store this holiday season in their hometown,...
behind the brand: the shop, SALT
what is the meaning behind SALT? how did we start? here's our story.
behind the brand: the shop, SALT
what is the meaning behind SALT? how did we start? here's our story.
SALT MOVES fall 2018
coming soon. fall 2018. SALT MOVES.
SALT MOVES fall 2018
coming soon. fall 2018. SALT MOVES.
coming early 2019. SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN.
coming early 2019. SALT X JESSICA WATERMAN.