Local brand, The Shop, SALT teams up with artist, Mike Gough to deliver wearable art fashion line

Local brand, The Shop, SALT teams up with artis...

St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to launch their collaborative spring fashion line, SALTXMIKEGOUGH, featuring a series of never before seen, commissioned works by artist and corner...

Local brand, The Shop, SALT teams up with artis...

St. John’s based brand, The Shop, SALT is ready to launch their collaborative spring fashion line, SALTXMIKEGOUGH, featuring a series of never before seen, commissioned works by artist and corner...

SALT spring 18

SALT spring 18

here's a look at what's coming up for SALT in early 2018. SALTXMIKEGOUGH

SALT spring 18

here's a look at what's coming up for SALT in early 2018. SALTXMIKEGOUGH